
Drive for mobile applications

Hydraulic cylinders

We manufacture over 50,000 hydraulic cylinders per year according to individual customer specifications with a high level of vertical integration and state-of-the-art methods. All cylinders are tested, cleaned and painted in our own facility.

We deliver small quantities worldwide just as reliably as just-in-time series production.

Hydreco Hydraulic cylinders
Hydreco Hydraulic cylinders
Hydreco Hydraulic cylinders
Hydreco Hydraulics - Hydraulic cylinders

• Differential cylinders
• Single-acting cylinders
• Pull cylinders
• Telescopic cylinders
• Pressure intensifier
• Spring cylinders
• Synchronised cylinders

Project planning

All Hydreco Hydraulics products are customised to the requirements of your application. We pay particular attention to the reliable operational readiness and service life of our products.


The designs of Hydreco Hydraulics hydraulic cylinders are created on modern CAD systems in close dialogue with our customers. The 3D volume models generated in this process can be directly incorporated into your designs. The technical key data of the application, such as weight optimisation, running behaviour and running properties or ambient conditions, are implemented by our designers.


Special joining processes enable efficient yet highly resilient connections, even with different materials. If required, we also integrate hydraulic control elements into our cylinder design and equip the cylinders with position measuring systems or limit switches.

Quality assurance

We are certified and frequently audited. Our integrated quality management system makes us a reliable partner for our customers.